The Job Grant will provide direct financial support to employers who wish to acquire training for their employees. It will be and will be available to small, medium and large businesses with a short-term training plan for existing and new employees: Canada – Ontario Job Grant will fund an average of two-thirds of eligible training costs for workers at a maximum of $10,000. Eligible training costs include teaching and fees, textbooks and materials. For more information or to finalize COJG`s online application, please visit training provider and course details include: Contact Information and Training Plan. The Canada-Ontario Job Grant is a cost-sharing agreement between business and government. The government will fund an average of two-thirds of a worker`s eligible training costs, up to $10,000 per intern. As an employer, you contribute to the remaining costs for each apprentice. The JVS Toronto team will guide employers through the OCJG`s application process to support the training of current and new employees who are eligible for assistance. To participate in training programs funded by the OCJG, all interns must: to access staff development funding through the OCJG, Ontario employers must work and have adequate insurance during the training program.
Training programs should result in benefits for apprentices. For example, improving their role or salary, or employment in the case of recruitment that requires training to make an effective contribution. To begin coJG Ontario training grants, employers must develop a set of applications that list training participants and provide offers from multiple training providers. Applicants should indicate why the training provider was selected and how the training benefits staff. COJG funding also supports several employers who pool their training resources to provide group training. It is a popular option among inter-professional organizations and employer networks representing several organizations in the same sector. The CoJG Consortium Training Stream allows employers to send groups of employees for training with employees from other participating organizations. The Canada-Ontario Job Grant (OCJG) is an Ontario government assistance program that provides training grants to employers. Under the program, companies can obtain non-refundable government funding to acquire training for third-party companies, including training for the skills they are looking for. Training should improve the employability and value that staff can offer; Including new collaborators in these trainings, your financing potential can also maximize. Canada – Ontario Job Grant (COJG) offers employers and individuals a number of qualification offers. The aim is to support the development of the workforce and to encourage greater participation of employers in training through cost-sharing systems for the training of individuals.
In this subsidized program, employers select people who receive training and training that meets their needs to develop their workforce. This program helps employers help their apprentices (including existing staff and new recruits) develop the skills they need to find and maintain employment.